Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Big Day

Tomorrow is presentation day... UGH! I do not like being the center of attention. But I am so extremely excited to show everyone our game. We've still been getting a lot of good reactions. Yesterday, an acquaintance stopped Alex and I to tell us how awesome our game looks from the trailer we posted on Facebook. 

We played a couple games while recording ourselves and Alex put it all  together. Thanks, Alex!

We're also excited to be in Stage 4 (we found out during Thanksgiving break)! We have one or two minor things to do before we can challenge to get out of it next week, and we should be good to go.

But in the meantime, we'll be sweating over whether or not our game will be chosen to go forward. The faculty will be deliberating on Monday. We'll know later that night (hopefully), and then we'll get our new team members (hopefullyyy) on Thursday next week.

Our confidence was definitely boosted this week after we did a mock presentation in front of our class again. Our teachers seem to really enjoy our game. They said it was "very compelling," and that we were "good to go." Another teacher actually played our game during QA last night and Chris and Bryan got great videos of it. 

While some things need a little tweaking, overall people genuinely have a lot of fun playing Mageball. They yell at each other, get mad at each other when they're losing, and shout when they score a goal. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I want that real game experience, like what I get when I'm playing a triple A game with my friends. I want our game to be the game that people keep wanting to go back to, because it's a fun game as well as a fun social experience. And people have gone back to it! QA testers sometimes ask to play again!

This is definitely the most fun I've had on any project, and the most passionate I've felt about any project. I truly think Mageball is a good game, and I truly think it's fun. When the developers of a game still find it appealing, I think it's a big deal. A lot of the time developers get so sick of their games -- sometimes to the point when they don't want to work on it anymore. It's not the case with this game. We all love playing it, and we all love working on it. And I hope we can keep doing so next semester!

I'll be sure to let you know ASAP how the presentations go. I can't wait to see the other games! Wish us luck!


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