Man have the last five days been busy. And a lot of that time was dedicated to Senior Team discussion, working on our presentation, reciting it, actually giving it, and stressing out about the results.
Let's start at Friday though. Last Friday night was our scheduled "sprint review" meeting. For those who don't know what a "sprint" is, it's basically a set amount of time during which everyone has tasks to do. We took a look at Chris's new Mageball prototype (which I got hooked on for fifteen minutes). It was pretty awesome.
Then it came down to picking a game. It went surprisingly smooth, I think. I was dreading the meeting the whole day, because I thought we would end up debating until midnight on a Friday night after what was a very stressful week.
But in about an hour and a half we decided Mageball was our game.
The next few days were spent making the presentation together, polishing and practicing, and discussing our next steps in Stage 2.
We were assuming pretty hard that we would pass the Stage 1 challenge.
It was extremely close, but we unfortunately did not make it this week. Everything was great, except our teachers wanted us to explore the design of the actual sport (independent of the magic) more. Understandable.
The good news is that's all we were missing. It doesn't really slow us down at all, especially me since design is not my area. I am continuing with my tasks as if we had passed.
That task being modeling a character. Phew...
Here's a cute little guy I drew over the weekend though. Alex and I played through the Little Big Planet story earlier this semester, which inspired him.
I like him but he's too cutesy for Mageball.
Anyway, Chris and Bryan will be working on some more designs which will likely be pretty important. I'll be sure to post them here when I can!
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